Picasso Clownfish ORA



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These beautiful fish exhibit extra white mainly on their center stripe. Each individual fish is unique and hand-selected by our experienced graders. These fish are graded on the amount of white present, the oddness of the striping, and the rarity of the markings. Our fish may be radically marked on one side and merely have an extra blob of white on the other. ORA Picassos reach a seller size of 1.5 inches at approximately 7 - 8 months of age. Many of these juveniles have yet to develop the characteristic black in the mid-body. The black pigment will develop as the fish ages until maturity. We were hoping that our Picasso broodstock would produce thousands of Picasso offspring every year, however only a small percentage of fish from each Picasso spawn qualify to become Picassos or Premium Picassos. The majority of Picasso offspring look like ordinary Perculas.  
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Picasso Clownfish

  The ORA Picasso Clownfish, a sought-after variant of the Percula Clownfish, originates from the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. This exceptional strain began in 2004 when ORA paired a wild male Picasso from the Solomon Islands with a typical Onyx female. Over the years, ORA has introduced additional wild-caught Picassos into their breeding program. Consequently, most Picasso clownfish available today trace their lineage back to ORA’s breeding efforts.

Appearance and Unique Features

The Picasso Percula Clownfish is renowned for its striking appearance. This fish showcases extra white, particularly on its central stripe, creating a unique pattern. Each Picasso Clownfish is hand-selected by experienced graders who assess the amount of white, the distinctiveness of the striping, and the rarity of the markings. The individuality of each fish makes them highly prized.

Breeding and Care

Captive-bred Picasso Clownfish offer several advantages over wild-harvested species. They are generally hardier and better adapted to home aquarium conditions, making them an excellent choice for both novices and experienced aquarists. In the aquarium, the females are the largest, and the pair will usually stay close to each other. Clownfish lay eggs on flat surfaces and defend them from other tank mates. The eggs typically hatch within 8-11 days, depending on water temperature. The fry require a separate aquarium and a diet of rotifers, followed by baby brine shrimp.

Diet and Feeding

The Percula Clownfish thrives on a diet that includes meaty food items and herbivore preparations. Offering a varied diet helps maintain their health and vibrancy.  

Key Information

  • Approximate Purchase Size: 1" to 2"
  • Diet: Meaty food items, herbivore preparations
  • Breeding: Easy to breed in a home aquarium; requires a separate tank for fry
  • Inquire with us for different sizes available!

LINKS to follow:

Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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