Customizable Products
Build Your Own Aquarium

Do you want an aquarium that is made just for you? At Fish and Coral Store, we can help you design your own tank from the ground up. Go beyond just size and color differences and decide every accessory you want included, from pumps and protein skimmers to lighting units and filters. It’s time to make your reef your own!

About Fish & Coral Store

Stunning Saltwater Swimmers

Our online fish store is filled with a variety of species of breathtaking saltwater life.

We are committed to offering only the most attractive and healthiest fish to you. Whether you’re looking for wild-caught or sustainably sourced, captive-bred fish, we’ve got you covered at our online aquarium store. Experience the unique beauty of our marine life.

Salt Water
Salt Water Fish

The Aquarium

All You Need For The Aquarium

Interested in designing an attention-grabbing aquarium? Our online aquarium store has everything you need – and more. Choose a 1.2-gallon crystal-clear tank for your office desktop. Or, turn your family room into an “under the sea” getaway with a 40-gallon aquarium. Then decorate it with LED lights, auto feeders, and other must-have accessories.

Note that we’re also a Red Sea Platinum dealer. So, if you’re looking for matchless aquarium construction and design, you’ve come to the right place. We also offer Res Sea’s premier salt and other industry-leading supplies!

See What’s Happening “Under the Sea”

Want to learn about the latest offerings? Sign up for our online fish store newsletter, and get 10% off your order in the process! We’ll give you a rundown on all of our new products, from aquariums to tank heaters. You’ll also find out what’s coming soon from the industry’s top brands. Join our email list to have access to a wellspring of tips and tricks and stay in the loop of all things fish and coral today!



Our Owners

Fish and Coral Store: Why Us?

Our online fish store is filled with a variety of species of breathtaking saltwater life.

We are committed to offering only the most attractive and healthiest fish to you. Whether you’re looking for wild-caught or sustainably sourced, captive-bred fish, we’ve got you covered at our online aquarium store. Experience the unique beauty of our marine life.

Helpful Questions From Clients
Frequently Asked Questions
Is hiring a professional necessary to set up a saltwater aquarium?

As a general rule, a larger custom aquarium might require installation by a professional. However, a kit from our online fish store is relatively affordable and beginner friendly. That means you should have no problem setting it up yourself.

Which saltwater aquarium fish should you choose when starting out?

Consider a yellow tang fish. This popular saltwater aquarium fish does a great job of coexisting with other types of fish you’ll find in our online fish store.

How does a saltwater aquarium differ from a freshwater one?

Saltwater aquariums require a bit more maintenance and monitoring than freshwater tanks. Different fish require different levels of salinity, pH tolerances, and temperature requirements. They also require specialized pumps, filters, and other equipment that can handle salt. We can guide you through everything you need to know to set up a healthy, thriving reef tank.

Do fish in a saltwater aquarium swim in a school?

That depends on the species. However, if it’s a fish that swims in a school in the wild, they’ll do the same in an aquarium. Some fish that swim in schools include the green and blue chromis, cardinalfish, and dartfish, for example. When ordering from an online fish store, make sure you do your research on how specific fish species behave to ensure they’ll school (or at least coexist) with your current fish.

Is the effort required to maintain a saltwater aquarium worth it?

Yes! Many aquarists dream of owning thriving saltwater aquariums. You have a tiny piece of the ocean in your home, featuring magical and exotic fish that can only survive in saltwater.

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