ORA® Captive-Bred Ocellaris Clownfish



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It is believed that the ORA® Captive-Bred Ocellaris Clownfish may be among the aquarium industry's most admired marine fish. Its gorgeous orange body, adorned with white bands, outlined with black instantly marks it from the Ocellaris Clownfish. Ocellaris Misbar have broken bars or bars that don't connect all around the body. It is possible that the Extreme Misbars have very few bars and are likely to be situated on an individual side of the body. This particular member of the Pomacentridae family is a great choice for every saltwater aquarium. What makes this particular variety attractive to aquarists is that every Ocellaris Clownfish is captive-bred to assist in the protection of the fragile reef ecosystems around the world. The Captive-Bred ORA Olcellaris Clownfish also offers unique advantages over species that are wild-harvested. One of them is that it is the Captive-Bred Ocellaris Clownfish is very robust and is more comfortable with conditions in home reef aquariums. This makes it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced aquarists alike. The Ocellaris Captive-Bred Clownfish can also be kept in conjunction with various other captive-bred clownfish in the event that they are introduced into the aquarium simultaneously. This Captive-Bred Ocellaris Clownfish is also easily bred in the aquarium of your own home. Females will be the biggest of the pair, The two species typically stay close to one and in the tank. The Captive-Bred Ocellaris is an egg-laying fish. It will lay eggs in a level area and defend them from tank mates. The eggs usually hatch within 6 to 11 days, based on the temperature of the water. The fry should be kept in separate tanks with a diet consisting of rotifers and then baby brine shrimp. This Clownfish is a very savage eater. It can eat most meaty food items, frozen food, and herbivore recipes. Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 1-1/4" to 1-1/2"; Medium: 1- 1/2" to 2"  
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General information regarding Ocellaris Clownfish The Ocellaris Clownfish may be one of the most sought-after aquarium marine fish. Its gorgeous orange body, adorned with white bands, outlined with black instantly differentiates it from other Ocellaris Clownfish. This species of the Pomacentridae family makes a wonderful option for almost any saltwater aquarium. What makes this particular species attractive to aquarists is that every Ocellaris Clownfish is captive-bred to assist in the protection of the fragile reef ecosystems of the world.  
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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