ORA® Captive-Bred Fire Clownfish



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Inject some bright colors to your aquarium with this unique and fascinating clownfish. The ORA® Captive-Bred Fire Clownfish is also referred to as the red saddle anemonefish. The fish is dark red/orange however juveniles might be white with stripes on their head, too. As they grow older they'll shed the white bars, and be able to develop a dark posterior saddle that runs along both sides of their body. This species of the Pomacentridae family is a great option for every saltwater aquarium. Captive-bred fish possess a distinct benefit over species that are harvested wild since they're typically resilient and more accustomed to conditions in the home aquarium. Thus, captive-bred fishes are the perfect choice for newbies as well as experienced aquarists. The Captive-Bred Fire Clownfish is easy to breed in your home aquarium. Females are the most massive of the pair. The two species typically stay close to one and in the tank. Clownfish are egg-laying fish that deposit eggs on flat surfaces and protect eggs from their tank mates. The eggs are usually born within 8 to 11 days, based on the temperature of the water. The fry should be reared in a separate tank eating Rotifers, followed by baby brine shrimp. This captive bred fish is a ferocious eater. Its diet should include almost any meaty food item as well as herbivore dishes. Approximate Purchase Size: 3/4" to 1-1/4"  
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General information about Fire Clownfish This Fire Clown is a very stunning species due to its dark red hue and darker red patches on its sides. The Fire Clown is the only clown to lack a stripe on the head. Fire Clown does not need an Anemone to live but can take a variety of Anemones as hosts and even corals. Its most preferred Anemone is Bubble Tip Anemones or Long Tentacle Anemone as its host. They will eat most species of fish and are great for reef tanks.  
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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