Galaxy Clarkii Clownfish, Captive-Bred

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The Captive-Bred Galaxy Clarkii Clownfish is unique in its variation of the Clark's Clownfish or Clarkii Anemonefish. This particular variation of Clarkii clownfish has a dark brown-black base color that has three white stripes and distinctive white spots on their bodies, with a yellow tail trimmed with white. Captive-Bred Premium Galaxy Clarkii Clownfish is the best name for the fish, with its fascinating patterns of broken white bars as well as spots of white. This fish belongs to the Pomacentridae family and is a great option for almost every saltwater aquarium. The captive-bred fish have an unique benefit over species that are harvested wild because they're generally robust and are more comfortable with conditions that are typical of the aquarium in the home. Thus, captive-bred fishes are the perfect choice for newbies as well as experienced aquarists. The captive-bred galaxy Clarkii clownfish is easily bred within a saltwater aquarium. Females are the largest of the pair, and the two fish are usually close within the aquarium. Clownfish lay eggs and deposit them on flat surfaces and protect the eggs against other tankmates. The eggs usually hatch within 8 to 11 days, based on the temperature of the water. The fry should be raised in separate tanks eating a diet of rotifers, followed by baby brine shrimp. This Clownfish is a ferocious eater. It is tolerant of meaty food items and frozen herbivore recipes. Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 3/4" to 1" Medium: 1-1/4" to 1-3/4"  
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Galaxy Clarkii Clownfish

  The Galaxy Clarkii Clownfish is a striking variation of the Clark’s Clownfish (Amphiprion sebae). Known for its unique appearance, this clownfish features:
  • Base Color: Dark brown to black
  • Stripes: Three white stripes
  • Distinctive Features: White spots and a yellow tail edged with white
The Galaxy Clarkii stands out with its fascinating patterns of broken white bars and spots, making it a visually stunning addition to any aquarium.

Development and Breeding

Developed by Bali Aquarich, the Galaxy Clarkii is an evolution of previous strains like the Picasso Clarkii and Picasso Sebae clownfish. This strain features:
  • Exaggerated Striping: Increased white coverage
  • Potential: Moving towards "snowflake" status
Captive-bred, the Galaxy Clarkii Clownfish is robust and adaptable to aquarium conditions. It is a suitable choice for both novice and experienced aquarists.

Care and Breeding

Galaxy Clarkii's are easy to care for and breed in a saltwater aquarium:
  • Breeding: Females are larger, and pairs stay close together. Eggs are laid on flat surfaces and protected.
  • Hatching: Eggs hatch in 8-11 days, depending on water temperature.
  • Fry Care: Raise fry in a separate tank on a diet of rotifers followed by baby brine shrimp.


Galaxy Clarkii's are aggressive eaters:
  • Diet: Tolerant of meaty foods and frozen herbivore preparations.

Size Variations

  • Small: 3/4" to 1"
  • Medium: 1-1/4" to 1-3/4"

LINKS to follow:

Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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