Springeri Dottyback, Captive-Bred



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Springeri Dottyback, also known as the Springer's Dottyback, or Springer's Pseudochromis It is mostly dark blue, with blue striped face bands, and deep blue fins with blue outlines. The springerii is a fascinating fish with a distinct personality. distinct personality It will bring an endless amount of fun for those who love saltwater. A 30 gallon or bigger aquarium with lots of hiding spots is the ideal choice. The fish will eat  bristle worms within the aquarium, which makes this fish ideal for reef aquariums. When there is more than one Pseudochromis, it's essential to add them all in the same order into the fish tank. Captive-Bred Pseudochromis are extremely hardy and tough fish, making them the perfect companion to the beginner or experienced aquarist. The Captive-Bred Dottyback needs to have a balanced diet comprised of food items specifically designed for carnivores. If you keep it in a reef aquarium, the Captive-Bred Dottyback needs to be fed once a day. Approximate size of purchase 1" to 2-1/2"
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Information on Springeri Dottyback, Captive-Bred The Springer's Dottyback is a stunning fish. It is black in color with an all-black body with headlines that are electric blue. In saltwater aquariums they typically tend to hang out in caves or overhangs, from which it can be seen making quick trips through the tank. They are extremely agile and it's thrilling to watch them whirl around.   Diet of Springeri Dottyback, Captive-Bred The majority of dottybacks enjoy meaty food products such as Mysis shrimp brine shrimps, krill, and a variety of frozen aquarium meaty food items. But, they are able to take pellets as well as flake food items. Springer's Dottyback will eat bristle worms in the tank if they're present. It isn't common to find white bristle-like spines sticking out of their bodies. It doesn't seem to be an issue for them and they will soon disappear.  
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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