Orange Skunk Clownfish, Captive-Bred
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The captive-bred orange Skunk Clownfish, which is also known by the name of Skunk-striped Anemonefish is a pale orange and has a white stripe on the side of the head that runs all the way to the back.
A 30 gallon or larger tank with plenty of hiding places is ideal. An anemone-hosting species like Stichodactyla Mertensii and Heteractis crispa is recommended however it is not necessary. Captive-Bred clownfish are extremely hardy and tough fish, making them an ideal choice for beginner or experienced aquarists. This Captive-Bred Orange Skunk Clownfish is an ideal reef tank fish. If it is introduced to the aquarium simultaneously numerous kinds of tank bred clowns could be kept in the same tank.
Captive-Bred clownfish can be easily bred in your home aquarium. Females are the largest of the two and two fish generally stay close to each to each other in the aquarium. They are egg-laying fish and deposit their eggs on flat surfaces, and protect eggs from tank mates. The eggs will normally hatch between 6 and 11 days, based upon the temperatures. The fry need to be raised in separate aquariums eating the rotifers, followed by baby brine shrimp.
The Captive-Bred diet for the Orange Skunk Clownfish should comprise a range of meaty foods like shrimp that have been chopped and frozen herbivore recipes.
Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 3/4" to 1-1/4"; Medium: 1-1/4" to 2"
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General information regarding Orange Skunk Clownfish
The Orange Skunk Clownfish is the timidest of the Clownfish. The charming fish are light orange with an elongated white stripe on their mid-dorsal. The Orange Skunk Clownfish is rarely seen in the aquarium world However, it's a wonderful option for your home aquarium due to the fact that they are not aggressive. They prefer groupings and are more comfortable with more gentle tankmates. The Orange Skunk Clown does not require an Anemone to live however, it will take long Tentacle or Carpet Anemones as its host along with corals.
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in
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