ORA® Captive-Bred Gold Dot Maroon Clownfish

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The ORA® Captive-Bred Gold Dot Maroon Clownfish is a variant of the amazing Gold Stripe Maroon clownfish. Each Gold Dot Maroon is a unique fish because every individual is not identical. At the time of their birth, the fish will have an amazing dot within their 3 bands similar to a drop of paint. As they grow older the dot will change into metallic gold shades. Maroon clowns are famous for their vibrant colors and large fins, as well as their positive attitude. A large adult Gold Dot Maroon with fully mature color is an outstanding centerpiece fish to add to any aquarium. When pairing with this species, it's usually recommended to have a striking variation in size between two species. Captive-bred clownfish are extremely tough and tough fish, making them an excellent choice for beginner or experienced aquarists. They are also very durable. Gold Dot Maroon Clownfish is an ideal option for an aquarium that is reef-friendly. In general Maroon clownfish are ones with the highest territoriality of clownfish species. Maroon Clownfish are extremely sensitive to levels of copper and should not be exposed to concentrations that are close to or above .15. Captive-bred clownfish are simple to breed in a home aquarium. Females are the largest of the pair and the two fish are likely to remain close to one another within the tank. The fish are egg layers and deposit their eggs on flat surfaces, and will protect eggs from the tankmates. The eggs are usually born between 8 and 11 days, depending on the temp. The fry should be kept in separate tanks eating Rotifers and then baby brine shrimp. This clownfish species diet includes meaty foods such as frozen shrimp and herbivore-based preparations. Do not drag or move the Maroon Clownfish with a net because its cheek spines could get caught. Make use of a specimen container in the event of capturing. Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 3/4" to 1-3/4"; Large: 1-3/4" to 2-1/2"
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General information concerning Gold Dot Maroon Clownfish As with the majority of Gold Stripe Maroons, these fish are born with white stripes which become gold as they age and the first signs begin to appear at around 12-18 months old.  
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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