Cortez Angelfish

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&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;span class="wordai-block rewrite-block enable-highlight" data-id="3">The color of Cortez Angelfish varies markedly from young a-id="">="1">>to adult.</span> &lt;span class="wordai-block rewrite-block enable-highlight" data-id="9">The adult stage is black with blue and yellow semi-circle stripes radiating out through the body. When it matures the Cortez Angelfish appears blue with a light speckled mid-section, and the vertical streak of yellow below the eyes. <span class="wordai-block rewrite-block enable-highlight" data-id="11">The dorsal fin, long and long is green and blue, and its head appears blue and has an additional vertical streak of yellow in the area behind the eyes. Cortez Angelfish Cortez Angelfish requires at least 250 gallons of tank space It is recommended to have a tank of at least 250 gallon. It is possible that there are no angelfish present in the tank even as young ones. This is not a good idea. Potential candidate for a tank for reefs. The Cortez Angelfish will eat sponges, they also eat soft and stony corals (sessile invertebrates) as well as clams mantles. It is essential to feed it with a diet comprising Spirulina and marine algae, shrimp, and other meaty foods as well as high-quality angelfish dishes with sponges.</p> Approximate Purchase Size: Juvenile- Small: 1" to 1-3/4"; Medium: 1-3/4" to 2-1/4"; Large: 2-1/4 to 3"; Changing- Medium: 2" to 4"; Adult: Medium: 2" to 3"; Medium/Large: 3" to 4"; Large 4: to 7"
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Cortez Angelfish Overview

The Cortez Angelfish, scientifically known as Pomacanthus zonipectus, is a visually striking marine species. This guide covers its appearance, diet, and habitat requirements.

Cortez Angelfish Appearance and Coloration

Juvenile Cortez Angelfish Features

  • Coloration: Black body with semi-circular blue and yellow stripes radiating from the tail.
  • Size Categories:
    • Small: 1" to 1-3/4"
    • Medium: 1-3/4" to 2-1/4"
    • Large: 2-1/4" to 3"

Adult Cortez Angelfish Features

  • Coloration: Blue body with a pale, speckled mid-section and a vertical yellow stripe behind the head.
  • Fins: Green and blue dorsal fin.
  • Size Categories:
    • Medium: 2" to 3"
    • Medium/Large: 3" to 4"
    • Large: 4" to 7"

Cortez Habitat Requirements

Tank Size and Setup

  • Minimum Tank Size: At least 250 gallons.
  • Tank Mates: Should be the only angelfish in the tank, even as juveniles.

Reef Compatibility

  • Not Reef-Safe: Avoid housing with reef tanks as it nips at stony and soft corals (sessile invertebrates) and clam mantles.

Cortez Diet and Nutrition

Natural Diet

  • Primary Food: Sponges.
  • Additional Foods: Algae, tunicates, and eggs.

Tank Feeding

  • Diet:
    • Spirulina
    • Marine algae
    • Shrimp
    • Other meaty foods
    • High-quality angelfish preparations containing sponges

Feeding Recommendations

  • Feeding Frequency: Provide a varied diet regularly to ensure proper nutrition.

Cortez Origin

  • Geographic Range: Widespread across the Eastern Pacific.
    • North: From Puerto Peñasco, Mexico, in the Gulf of California.
    • South: Extending to Peru.
By understanding these aspects, you can ensure the proper care and habitat for the Cortez, making it a striking addition to your aquarium.  

LINKS to follow:

Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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