Striped Dottyback, Captive-Bred

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The Captive-Bred Striped Dottyback, also called the Sankey's Dottyback has beautiful white and black stripes. The dorsal fin as well as the edges of the caudal fins are transparent. While they were once rare in the aquarium at home they are now frequently available because of the success of captive breeding programs. A 30 gallon or bigger aquarium that has plenty of hiding spots is perfect. They are prey for creatures like bristleworms that are in the aquarium, which makes this fish ideal for reef aquariums. When more than one Dottyback is kept within the tank, it's crucial to add them all simultaneously to the aquarium and to provide plenty of hiding spots among the rocks. This member of the pseudochromis family is an extremely tough and long-lasting fish that make them an ideal choice for novices or experienced aquarist. The Captive-Bred Striped Dottyback should be fed a varied diet comprised of food items specifically designed for carnivores. If it is kept in a tank that is reef-based, it is recommended that the Captive-Bred Striped Dottyback should be fed at least once a day. Approximate Size of Purchase 1" up to 2 1/2"  

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General information on Striped Dottyback Dottybacks are tiny, vibrant basslet-like fish which live in the caves and crevices of coral reefs. Dottybacks can be housed in smaller aquariums. However, larger tanks that have plenty of live rock are ideal. They are territorial and defend the territory they have claimed as their own. Dottybacks can be housed in a variety of locations based in the capacity of the tank as well as the number of hiding spots available. There has been some success adding several dottybacks to the tank simultaneously, which lets each establish an area of defense without giving advantages to any one. Once a dottyback is used to tanks it can be difficult to bring another in without risking it being threatened.
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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