Rock Beauty Angelfish
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<span class="wordai-block rewrite-block enable-highlight" data-id="4">As an adult, the Rock Beauty Angelfish's body is dominated by black, especially on its back. Bright yellow is the head, front and rear half of the body as well as the caudal fin. >The eye has striking sapphire-blue accents. Similar in appearance, the juvenile's initial body is predominately yellow with a large caudal dark spot that seems to enlarge, overpowering the yellow coloration.
data-id="3">Because of its need for sponges, the Rock Beauty Angelfish can be difficult to keep in a home aquarium. You should provide the marine angelfish a balanced diet that includes vegetables such as Spirulina and marine algae, as well as finely chopped meaty items and angelfish dishes containing sponges.
Estimated Purchase Size: Small: 1-1/4" to 2-1/4"; Small/Medium: 2-1/4" to 3-1/4"; Medium: 3-1/4" to 5"; Large: 5" to 7"
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Rock Beauty Angelfish Overview
The Rock Beauty Angelfish, as an adult, has a striking appearance with a body dominated by black on the back half. The head, front half of the body, and caudal fin are bright yellow, and the eyes are accented with sapphire blue. Juveniles start with a predominantly yellow body and a large black caudal spot that grows and darkens over time.Rock Beauty Nutrition
- Diet: Primarily sponges, but they also eat tunicates, jellyfish, corals, and macroalgae like Halimeda and Mermaid's Fan.
- Feeding Tips: In captivity, provide prepared foods containing sponge material, marine algae, Spirulina, and finely chopped meaty items.
Origin and Habitat
- Geographic Range: Found in the tropical western Atlantic Ocean, from Georgia to Florida and Bermuda, extending to the northern Gulf of Mexico, and down to Santa Catarina, Brazil.
- Habitat: Prefer coral and rocky areas in tropical waters.
Housing Needs for Rock Beauty
- Tank Size: A minimum of 125 gallons is recommended to accommodate their size and activity level.
- Reef Compatibility: Not reef-safe due to their tendency to nip at corals and other sessile invertebrates.
- Tank Setup: Provide ample live rock for grazing and hiding places to mimic their natural habitat.
Size and Appearance
- Juvenile Size: Small: 1" to 2-1/4"; Small/Medium: 2-1/4" to 3-1/2"
- Adult Size: Up to 8 inches in length.
- Inquire with us for other sizes available!
LINKS to follow:
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in
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