Red Belted Cardinalfish



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The Red Belted Cardinalfish is a stunning, attractive fish that ranges in shades of red/orange and red/pink, with a glassy somewhat transparent appearance. Like its name implies, (Apogon townsendi) sports vertical bars running along its caudal peduncal, creating an elegant, belted look. The peaceful cardinalfish is located all the way from Southern Florida to the Bahamas and Northern South America in the Caribbean, where they are often seen in groups in caves, or in holes often hanging from long spined urchins.   A 30 gallon or bigger aquarium with plenty of live rock can provide the perfect habitat. Aquascape crevices and caves to create an environment that is more natural. Keep the Red Belted Cardinalfish with tranquil tank mates since the fish is a slow and deliberate swimmer that is easily stressed by more energetic, faster-moving fish. This Red Belted Cardinalfish can pair with a partner and is known to reproduce in aquariums. As with other Apogon species it's a mouth-brooder. Because of its big eyes, Red Belted Cardinalfish is primarily nocturnal in nature and performs best in dimly lit settings. You can see it at night by using a red light.   Red Belted Cardinalfish requires a healthy, balanced diet with vitamin-rich meaty foods like mysis shrimp, feeder shrimp bloodworms, and, depending on the size of its body live fish.   Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 3/4" to 1-1/4"; Medium: 1-1/4" to 2"    
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Red Belted Cardinalfish Information It has a large and elongated body with big eyes. The body is red with a tinge of orange, a dark bar that runs from the dorsal fin in the rear up to the anal fin, and two bars at the bottom of the tail. The space between the bars could be darker and form a large bar with dark borders.
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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