ORA® Captive-Bred Elongate Dottyback

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The ORA® Captive-Bred Elongate Dottyback is also called the Floppy-Tail Dottyback originates from Sulawesi and the Molucca Islands of Indonesia. A few appearances in the aquarium industry have kept this Elongated Dottyback in relative obscurity. But, its numerous appealing characteristics made it the most sought-after Pseudochromis. One of its most prominent characteristics is its gorgeous beauty. Its smoldering gradients are ablaze of colors of orange and red The Elongated Dottyback adds a splash of colors to marine aquariums. The most striking feature is its peace-loving nature when compared with other dottybacks. Elongated Dottyback is not a shy fish. After adjusting to its new habitat it is expected that the Elongated Dottyback is likely to spend its time exploring. The tiny dottyback poses no threat to crustaceans as well as decorative shrimp, making it a perfect option to be used in reef tanks of any size. The ideal configuration to accommodate the Elongated Dottyback should be a well-established saltwater aquarium with at least 30 gallons size, surrounded by a large aquascape and ample amounts of reef rocks. Create plenty of caves and crevices that are suitable for an Elongated Dottyback. Like other Dottyback species, it is advised to keep the Elongated Dottyback as a single unless your aquarium is extremely large. The ORA® Captive-Bred Elongate Dottyback is recommended to be fed a diverse diet that includes foods specially created for carnivores. If the aquarium is a reef aquarium then you should feed it once a day. The approximate purchase size is 1"
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ORA® Captive-Bred Elongate Dottyback Information The dottyback's size is 2 inches. It is extremely hardy and feeds with pellets and frozen food. They sport a black body with a red or orange head and tail. They can be referred to as Floppy-Tail Dottyback. The coveted species is believed to be less aggressive than the other dottyback species ORA raises. Their tiny size, coupled with an amiable personality makes them ideal for today's tiny reef aquariums.      
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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