General information on the Electric Indigo Dottyback
The ORA Electric Indigo Dottyback is a cross between two species: the Orchid Dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani) and the Striped Dottyback (Pseudochromis sankeyi). The offspring that result are stunningly colored fish with a relaxing indigo coloring. At first glance, the Indigo Dottyback seems like it is a clone of the stunningly colored Orchid Dottyback (appearing more like an intriguing color morph from that of the Orchid Dottyback rather than a hybrid). On closer inspection features that are similar to the Striped Dottyback can be seen. Although the main stripe running in parallel with the longitudinal line is very diminished the Indigo Dottyback displays an identical black band running the entire ventral line of the Striped Dottyback. The unique indigo coloration, as well as black graphic stripes, give distinctness to this amazing hybrid breed that has been captive-bred. Make sure there are plenty of crevices and caves to allow this Indigo Dottyback to explore, take refuge in, or claim. Like other Dottyback species, it is advised to keep the Indigo Dottyback as a single unless your aquarium is vast. The gentle-mannered Indigo Dottyback poses minimal threat to shrimp, crustaceans, or ornamental species making it a good choice to be used in reef tanks.
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