Coral Beauty Angelfish ORA® Captive-Bred

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It is believed that the ORA® Captive-Bred Coral Beauty Angelfish are reared and spawned in the Oceans, Reefs & Aquariums in Ft. Pierce, FL. The fishes are also referred to as the Twospined and Dusky Angelfish, and range across to the Central as well as the South Pacific, to the Western Pacific Ocean, and across in the Indian Ocean. The head and body are deep royal blue that is which is accentuated with a vibrant color of orange and yellow which makes them an outstanding example of the family of Pygmy Angelfish. It is believed that the ORA® Capetive-Bred Coral Beauty Fish is one of the easiest angels to take care of and possess an advantage against wild harvested species. They are stronger and more familiar with the conditions of the aquariums of homes. It is the ideal choice for newbies as well as experienced aquarists.   It needs a 70-gallon or larger tank that has plenty of hiding spots as well as rock to graze. A poor reef dweller Coral Beauty Angelfish Coral Beauty Angelfish is prone to nibble at soft and stony corals (sessile invertebrates) and mantel of clams.   Diet for the Coral Beauty Angelfish must comprise of Spirulina and marine algae top-quality angelfish preparations Mysis as well as frozen shrimp as well as other high-quality meaty food items.   Approximate purchase size 1" or larger
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Coral Beauty Angelfish Information

Coral Beauty Angelfish are generally calm but can show aggression towards tank mates, especially in smaller tanks. They may dominate smaller fish or invertebrates if space is limited. Providing ample live rocks creates hiding spots, allowing them to spend more time exploring their environment.  


Feeding these fish can be challenging as their preferences vary widely. While some readily accept frozen and flake foods, others may require coaxing. Live rocks not only offer hiding places but also provide natural algae for grazing, though they may nip at LPS corals, making them less suitable for reef tanks. Supplement their diet with dried seaweed attached to a veggie clip or try specialized angelfish food products.  


  • The ORA Coral Beauty is a captivating example of the Pygmy Angelfish family.
  • Features a glowing orange body with deep purple margins and electric blue fin outlines.

Size and Behavior

  • Reaches a maximum size of about 4 inches.
  • Known to nip at corals and clams, making them cautious additions to reef systems.
  • Appreciates marine aquariums with ample rock work for foraging and hiding.

Feeding Habits

  • Super easy to feed, they thrive on a pelletized diet rich in marine algae and quality meaty ingredients.

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Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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