Sammara Squirrelfish

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Sammara Squirrelfish, also known as the Bloodspot Squirrelfish, Soldierfish, or the Spotfin Squirrelfish. This Bloodspot Squirrelfish is the most popular squirrelfish belonging to the Neophion genus that is located in shallow waters. The red stripes striated across the body of this fish are accentuated by the golden yellow color of the tail, body, upper part of its body the pectoral and anal fins. A 70-gallon or bigger aquarium that is stocked with plenty of live rocks, concealing areas, and a swimming space is suggested. As a schooling fish, it is able to coexist with others of its species as provided there are sufficient hiding places and enough space. It will feed on small fish that can be fit into its mouth, as well as invertebrates like worms, crustaceans, and serpent stars. It is a night-time fish and is a nocturnal fish that hides when the lights are on. When the fish is first introduced to the aquarium live saltwater feeder shrimp are employed to attract the fish to consume. The diet should be varied between the live shrimps that feed on feeders freeze-dried shrimps, and chopped marine meats. Approximate Size of Purchase: Small: 1" to 2"; Medium: 2" to 3"; Large: 3" to 5"  
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Sammara Squirrelfish Information The Sammara squirrelfish (Neoniphon Sammara) is often referred to as the blood-spot-squirrelfish or the Slender squirrelfish. They belong to the sub-family Holocentridae. Members of the subfamily are referred to as squirrelfish and are generally either white or red. The gill covers have spines that contain venom and may cause a painful injury. The Squirrelfish have a close relationship with soldierfishes. Squirrelfish are closely connected to Soldierfish. Sammara squirrelfish (Neoniphon Sammara) is also called the blood-spot squirrelfish as well as that of the Slender squirrelfish. It is the Sammara Squirrelfish has a typical Squirrelfish shape, however, the body isn't as deep and is much slender as compared to the rest of squirrelfish with an elongated nose. The body is silver-colored with red stripes that run along the body's horizontal lines with one stripe more evident. The dorsal region is yellow instead of silver, while the dorsal part is white and red with a distinct red dot in the forward region that gives the fish their local names. The caudal and anal fins are light yellow with red along the edges leading to them. They are characterized by large eyes and are nocturnal feeders. They can reach 30 centimeters in length.   Sammara Squirrelfish Feeding The Sammara squirrelfish are nocturnal eaters which feed on small fishes as well as benthic invertebrates.
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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