Red Scooter Dragonet



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The Red Scooter Dragonet is also known as the Starry Dragonet or Stellate Dragonet. The body of the fish is a mix of white and red, with dark spots that are large. Males usually have more vivid colors and a bigger dorsal fin. It would prefer a reef tank of 30 gallons or more with plenty of live rocks to hide and graze upon. The substrate should be a live sand bed and the tank must include docile fish. A variety of species could be kept and it is recommended to introduce all of them to the aquarium at the same time. The ratio is 2 to 3 females for every male. A 55 gallon or bigger aquarium is required when there is more than one male. A Red Scooter Dragonet diet should comprise brine shrimp bloodworms and glassworms as well as small invertebrates. They are slow-moving and mindful feeders and do not need to compete for food sources. Are you looking for the most nutritious food source to feed your Dragonettes? We suggest the AlgaGen Tisbe biminiensis. Approximate Purchase Size: Small; 3/4" to 1-1/4" Medium; 1-1/4" to 2-1/2"
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General information about the Red Scooter Dragonet The Red Scooter Dragon's body is a mix of white and red with large dark spots. The male typically has more vibrant colors and a bigger dorsal fin. It is attracted to a reef aquarium that has plenty of live rock to hide and graze on. The substrate must be live sand and the tank must include docile fish. There are more than one species that can be kept and it is recommended to introduce all of them to the tank at once. The ratio should be between 2 and 3 females for each male.  
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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