General information regarding Paddlefin Wrasse
The Paddlefin Worasse when young is dark black with a pink and yellow belly. When they turn adult, their coloring reveals a variety of shades. The body is transformed into a reddish hue, and the fins and the area around the head turn from green to blue in hue. The most attractive feature of an adult fish is a vibrant yellow band just below the head. This is one of the smallest wrasses in the genus. They are an excellent addition to a saltwater-only aquarium. It is best to keep it in a large or medium aquarium, with bigger, aggressive tank mates and plenty of rocks to hide in. It can become territorial and berate any new members of the group, so it should be the last fish to be added to the aquarium. It could devour bristle worms or mantis shrimp. It doesn't consume live corals or plants.
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