Orangetail Blue Damselfish



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The Blue Orangetail Damselfish is the name used to refer to the male blue Damselfish Also known by the name Blue Devil Damselfish. The female is blue while the male is sporting orange-colored tails. Blue Damselfish is the Molly of saltwater aquariums. It is a vibrant active, tough, and hardy fish. When in the wild Blue Damselfish are found in reefs and are usually engaged in defending a tiny area. Blue Damselfish has the ability to hide in a crevice before darkening to a blackish hue. This is usually the case whenever it's threatened. Once the perceived threat has gone they turn into a bright blue within a couple of minutes. This Orangetail blue Damselfish is a bit aggressive, and its tank is required to accommodate several specimens. This is a fantastic fish for beginners and is an excellent partner fish for an aquarium with a saltwater capacity of more than 30 gallons. It also makes an ideal companion for invertebrates and reefs. As the fish matures, it might become aggressive and cause difficulties with other saltwater fish. If it is kept with other damselfish species, give them several hiding places to divide areas and reduce aggression. The Orangetail Damselfish diet should comprise of frozen and flake foods as well as herbivore recipes. Approximate Purchase Size: 3/4" to 1-1/2"  
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General information on Orangetail Blue Damselfish Females are all brilliant blue while the male sports an orange-colored tail. It's a colorful and hardy fish. Wild, Blue Damselfish are found in reefs and are usually active in protecting a small area. It is believed that the Blue Damselfish has the ability to hide in a crevice before darkening to a dark black. It usually happens whenever it's threatened. When the threat that it perceives is eliminated it turns electric blue in a matter of minutes. It is a bit aggressive, and its enclosure must be able to handle multiple species. It's an excellent fish for novices and is the perfect companion fish for a medium-sized saltwater tank. It also makes an excellent companion to coral reefs as well as invertebrates. As the aquarium fish grows older, it could become aggressive and cause difficulties with additional tank mates. If it is kept with other damselfish, give them several hiding places to divide areas and reduce aggression.  
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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