Leopard Wrasse EXPERT ONLY
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The Leopard Wrasse is also known as the Guinea Fowl Wrasse or the Blackspotted Wrasse. The species comes in two distinct appearances based on gender. Females are white, with numerous irregular brown or black spots that have blue or white edges that cover all of the body. Female fins can contain hints of yellow or brown. Males sport an orange-red background color, with green flecks over the body.
A 90-gallon or bigger aquarium that has well-established live rock and an additional layer that is live sand suggested. They do best placed in groups of 3 or more. It feeds on small invertebrates (foraminiferans and amphibiopods) which grow on live rocks.
The diet of these marine fishes should include vitamin-rich mysis shrimp frozen and vitamin-enriched brine shrimp that are frozen, as well as other meaty meals, along with the highest quality flake food and pellets.
Approximate Size of Purchase: Small: 1" to 1-3/4"; Medium: 1-3/4" to 2-1/4"; Large: 2-1/4" to 3-1/2"
Please note that we assure you that ALL aquatic species we provide will be alive and in good health. But, due to the higher degree of attention required for this specific species, it is classified as "Expert only." This species is suggested only for aquarists who are experts or zoo or research institution. Expert only aquatic life is not covered by our warranty after arrival.
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General information regarding Leopard Wrasse
The Leopard Wrasse (Macropharyngodon meleagris) is a species that has two distinct appearances based on gender. Females are white, with numerous irregular black or brown spots that have blue or white margins that cover all of the body. Female fins can be yellow or Tan. Males are red-orange background color, with green flecks that cover the body. A tank that is well established with live rock and some live sand is advised. They are best introduced as groups of 3 or more. It feeds on small invertebrates (foraminiferans and amphibiopods) which grow on live rocks.
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in
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