Leopard Puffer

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This Leopard Toby Puffer belongs to a reef species that's new to the aquarium market. This Toby Puffer is likely to seem small, but it's awash in personality and color. The exotic dynamo features stripes on its rear and sides, as well as spots on its sides. There are also hints of iridescent blue accentuating the eyes and the tail. The members of the Canthigaster family are referred to as sharp-nosed Puffers and Tobies. It is devoid of pelvic fins however, it has learned to utilize pectoral fins for moving around the aquarium. A 30 gallon or greater aquarium that is exclusively for fish is ideal. The teeth of the fish are actually a fusion-like beak structure. It is possible to eat invertebrates within a reef aquarium. It gets scared when placed inside a net. Hence you should use a container move it. The Leopard Puffer requires a wide diet that includes meaty food items such as the following: squid, krill oysters, and hard-shelled shrimp in order to wear down their teeth that keep growing. Approximate Size of Purchase: Small: 1-1/2" to 2"; Medium: 2" to 3", Large: 3" to 4"
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General information on Leopard Puffer This Leopard Toby Puffer belongs to a reef species that's new to the world of aquariums. The Toby Puffer Fish might seem tiny, but it's huge in color and character. The exotic dynamo features stripes on its front and sides, as well as spots along its sides. There are also hints of iridescent blue that highlight the eyes and the tail. It does not have pelvic fins however is able to use pectoral fins to move around the aquarium. A large or medium, fish-only tank is appropriate. The teeth are actually a fused beak structure. It is possible for it to eat invertebrates inside a tank. It gets scared when placed inside a net. Hence you should use a container to move it.  
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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