Big Eye Black Bar Soldierfish

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Big Eye Black Bar Soldierfish is also called The Blackbar Soldierfish, is bright red with thin white lines around the fins. The eyes are large and the central pupil is black, which gives this fish an unusual appearance. A 70-gallon or larger aquarium that has large quantities of live rock to hide will create a safe setting. Small groups are suitable provided there are enough hiding places and room in the aquarium. It is a night-time fish and will hide when light and swim in the dark seeking food. It eats invertebrates like worms (including fireworms) as well as crustaceans, serpents, and stars. In the beginning, when the fish are introduced to the aquarium Live saltwater feeder shrimp must be utilized to lure the fish to consume. The diet is different between the live shrimp that feed on them, freeze-dried shrimp, and cut marine meats that be floating in the column of water. Approximate Size of Purchase: Small: 1" to 2"; Medium: 2" to 4"; Large: 4" to 5"
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Information about the Big Eye Black Bar Soldierfish Big Eye Black Bar Soldierfish Also called The Blackbar Soldierfish, is bright red, with white lines around the fins. The eyes are large and the central pupil is black, which gives the fish an unusual appearance. A 70-gallon or larger aquarium with a lot of live rock that can be used as a hiding place will create a safe habitat. Small groups are suitable in the event that there are enough hiding places and space within the aquarium. This is a fish that is nocturnal that hides when it is light and then swims in darkness seeking food. It eats invertebrates such like worms (including fireworms) as well as crustaceans, serpents, and stars. Diet of the Big Eye Black Bar Soldierfish When the fish is first introduced to the aquarium live saltwater feeder shrimp must be utilized to lure the fish to take a bite. The diet is different between the live shrimp that feed on them,feeder shrimp freeze dried, and cut marine meats that be floating in the column of water.  
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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