Yellow Watchman Goby

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The Yellow Watchman Goby is also called the Yellow Prawn, or Yellow Shrimp Goby was first observed around 1936 by Herre. The body and head are yellow-orange, with bright blue spots on the fins and head. The Yellow Watchman Goby has a comical permanent frown and likes to look through the rocks. They've been observed to develop symbiotic relationships with pistol shrimp. It needs a 30 gallon or larger tank with plenty of loose coral and swimming space as well as a sand bottom to allow for digging. It is not known to be aggressive toward other tank mates, however, it is territorial and may be a fierce competitor with its own kind unless a mating pair. It might attempt to leap from the aquarium or through other tiny openings Therefore, a secure lid is essential to prevent escape. A Yellow Watchman Goby diet should include a wide variety of mysis and brine shrimp, table shrimp, as well as frozen meat-based preparations for carnivores. They should be fed at least twice daily. Approximate Size of Purchase: Small: 1" to 2"; Medium: 2" to 3"; Large: 3" to 4"  
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General information about the Yellow Prawn Goby The body and head are bright blues with bright yellow spots on the fins and the head. A Yellow-Prawn Goby Cryptocentrus cinctus sports an amusing and perpetual frown. It also often peeks through the rocks. They've been observed to establish symbiotic relations together with the pistol shrimp. It needs an aquarium that has plenty of loose coral with plenty of room for swimming as well as a sand bottom to allow it to burrow. It is not often aggressive toward other fish, however, it can be territorial and engage in battle with its own species except when they are a mated pair. It might attempt to leap out of the tank or through other tiny openings so a tightly-fitting lid is essential to stop escape.
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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