ORA® Captive-Bred Epaulette Shark EXPERT ONLY

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If you're seeking to add a decent size shark to your tank, this ORA® Captive-Bred Epaulette Shark is the right choice for you. It can grow rapidly but only approximately 30 inches in the aquarium at home. It is characterized by a long, brown body, small round paired pectoral and pelvic fins that are patterned with striking dark spots that resemble an epaulet the decorative shoulder decoration is used to symbolize military rank. ORA® Captive-Bred Epaulette Shark is found in northwestern Australia in northern Australia and New Guinea and grows quickly.

The ORA® Shark Captive-Bred is regarded as an animal that is expertly handled. A tank that is 200 gallons or greater with crystal clear water conditions and carefully selected tank mates will be sufficient. Sand is the most preferred substrate for sharks. The abdomen of the Epaulette can be easily scratched by the coarse substrate which could lead to an infection. Sharks should be kept in a moderately stressed environment, with minimal disturbance, and must not have exposure to copper-derived medicines.

This ORA® Captive-Bred Epaulette Shark is mostly nocturnal and rarely active. They can be seen rooted in the sand using their snouts during dawn and late at night, looking for prey that is buried. They only consume the food that fits in their mouths. They don't tear up their prey as do other sharks, but they require bite-sized pieces of food, which they chew with great care. Food must remain as clean as is possible and served at times when sharks are most active, which is usually around sunrise and sunset. When there is evidence that an Epaulette shark is seen roaming the tank in the daytime the shark should be fed more often.

It is recommended that the Epaulette Sharks easy-to-consume diet should consist of vitamin-rich small pieces of squid that have been cleaned or wild panels shrimp that are raw as well as huge mysis shrimp.

  • Approximate size of purchase: 5" to 8"

Please note that we assure you that ALL aquatic species we provide will arrive in good health. However, due to the greater amount of maintenance required for this particular species, it is classified as "Expert only." This species is suggested only for aquarists who are experts or zoo institutions. Expert-only aqua life is exempt from our guarantee for a period of time after their arrival.

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Epaulette Shark Diet and Nutrition

This carnivore is a fan of meals that are meaty, however, feeding could be difficult at first and a shark that is stressed may fast for weeks prior to eating. When you first introduce them into your tank, tiny pieces of squid that have been cleaned as well as live shrimp from the saltwater feeder can be served to lure the fish to take a bite. Sharks eat a variety of cut crustaceans, including shrimp, scallops, pieces of marine fresh whole cockles inside the shell fresh shrimp, squid. Also, frozen mussels is a great choice. Do not feed using your hand, but when needed, use a big feeding stick. It should be fed at least 2-4 times per week to avoid overfeeding.

Sharks should consume 35 percent of their weight each week. Baby sharks should be fed only in small amounts daily. A shark's stomach should not grow larger even if the fish is pregnant. should you notice an enormous belly on the shark, it is best to cut back on the amount you're feeding. Freezing your food items for seven days or more will aid in eliminating any bacteria or parasites present within the meal. Food that is frozen for longer than 12 months shouldn't be fed to sharks. Make sure it eats your food prior to six months. Soaking food items in liquid vitamin can boost in the amount of vitamins and minerals that are essential to this shark's health. Also, sharks require daily source of iodine in order to avoid goiter disease.

Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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