Engineer Goby

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The Engineer Goby is often called the Convict Goby. It is part of a different group from the gobies and the blennies. The markings on it change throughout its lifespan. Its colors are black to dark blue on white. When a child is born the markings are horizontal covering the entire body. As they grow older, they transform into vertical bands. It is best to keep it in a 55 gallon or larger aquarium with sand in the bottom of the tank, where it can create burrows. It requires a peaceful tankmate and lots of hiding spots. Smaller groups or pairs are likely to be more successful in an aquarium, however, they require that they be introduced at the same time in the tank. Engineer Goby has been known to successfully spawn in aquariums. Its diet should comprise of an assortment of freshly caught or frozen fish, brine shrimp as well as mysis shrimp. It is recommended to feed it daily at least two times. Approximate Size of Purchase: Small 1-1/4" to 2" Medium 2" to 3 1/4" Large 3 1/4" to 4 1/2"
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General information on Engineer Goby The Engineer Goby (pholidichthys leucotaenia) belongs to a distinct family from gobies and the blennies. The markings on it change throughout its existence. The predominant colors are black to dark blue on white. In the beginning, the markings are horizontal and run across the body. As they grow older, they transform into vertical bands. It is best to keep it in an aquarium that has the bottom covered with sand so that it can build burrows. It requires a peaceful tankmate and lots of places to hide. Smaller groups or pairs tend to thrive in aquariums, however, they require that they be introduced concurrently in the tank. Engineer Goby has been known to successfully spawn in an aquarium.  
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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