Dussumieri Tang

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The Dussumieri Tang, also known as the Eyestriped Surgeonfish, is a real standout in the aquarium due to its friendly manner, impressive size, and prestigious status in the world of hobbies. It is the Dussumieri Tang has distinctive orange stripes that run across its eyes, a body that is orange/tan as well as wavy lines of blue that run the entire body from head to the tail. The colors are intensified when it is threatened or to express moods. In its natural habitat, the Dussumieri Tang is generally found 30 feet deep or greater on reefs that are seaward. A 360-gallon or greater aquarium that is able to accommodate lots of water movement and large quantities of live rock, to give ample swimming space and a variety of territories within the live rock is essential. While tangs consume meaty food items together with others in aquariums, it's essential that they receive ample amounts of marine based seaweed and algae. This will boost the immune system of tangs, lessen aggression, and boost their overall health. Provide dried seaweed that is tied to a rock, or the veggie clip and feed them three times a week. Sea Veggies, Seaweed Salad, and Ocean Nutrition are all ideal products that are simple to make use of. They are excellent to manage algae in a saltwater fish tank or reef aquarium. Approximate Size of Purchase: Small 2" - 2-3/4"; Small/Medium 2-3/4" - 3-1/2" Medium 3-1/2" - 4-1/2"; Large 4-1/2" - 6"  
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General information regarding Dussumieri Tang The Dussumieri Tang is an absolute star among the exhibit aquariums due to its warm personality large size and elite status in the aquarium hobby. It is a stunning fish. Dussumieri Tang has distinctive orange stripes that run across its eyes, a body that is orange/tan with wavy blue lines running the entire body from the head to the tail. Its colors are intensified when it is threatened or in response to moods. When in its habitat it is generally found 30 feet deep or higher on reefs that are seaward. A much larger aquarium with lots of water movement, huge amounts of live rock that provide enough swimming space and territory in the rock are vital. They are excellent fish to control algae in aquariums for reef fish or saltwater fish.  
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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