Citron Clown Goby

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The Citrinis Clown Goby, also called the Citron as well as the Citrin Goby, is common in the Coral Sea reefs of Sri Lanka. They typically live in coral colonies that are hard and soft. They are tiny yellow fish, with blue vertical lines surrounding the eyes and gills and have a horizontal blue line on their dorsal fin. The body color of the fish can range between light brown and dark yellow. They are peaceful fish that are a great addition to any reef aquarium that has colonies of polyp corals and other soft corals as they love swimming and hiding in the polyps. This Citrinis Clown Goby feeds off the mucous sp. that make up Acropora sp. in the wild. It is considered reef safe, however, it can nip at the bases of the polyps of Acropora sp. and perhaps other SPS corals. If the SPS dominant aquarium isn't overly stocked with established colonies, these fish could seriously harm Acropora sp. It requires a 10-gallon or larger aquarium. It prefers branching corals. They are often found resting on them for long periods of time. It is not likely to become hostile to other fish, but it will be a bit feisty with its own kind in smaller tanks. It is recommended to be kept in a tank with other species that are docile. <p><p>It is normal for clown gobies to spawn in aquariums. Be cautious when the aquarium is home to Acropora Sp. and like SPS corals. They lay eggs on the surface of the coral's branch that can cause tissue loss within that region of coral. The Citrinis Clown Goby's meal must comprise a range of brine shrimp, frozen mysis shrimp, table shrimp, and frozen foods for carnivores. Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 1/2" to 3/4"; Medium: 3/4" to 1-1/4" ; Large: 1-1/4" to 2"
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Citron Clown Goby: A Vibrant Addition to Your Reef Aquarium

  The Citron (Citrinis) Clown Goby, also known as the Citron or Citrin Goby, stands out with its vibrant yellow body and striking blue markings. Found in the reefs of Sri Lanka and the Coral Sea, this small fish features blue vertical lines around its eyes and gills, along with a blue horizontal line along its dorsal fin. Its body color can vary from dark brown to pale yellow.

Habitat and Tank Requirements of the Citron Clown Goby

  • Natural Habitat: This fish thrives among both soft and hard coral colonies in the wild.
  • Tank Size: It requires a 10-gallon or larger aquarium.
  • Preferred Setup: It enjoys swimming and hiding among polyps and branched corals.

Behavior and Compatibility

  • General Temperament: The Citron Clown Goby remains peaceful and rarely displays aggression towards other fish.
  • Tank Mates: It pairs well with other docile species. However, avoid keeping multiple Citron Clown Gobies in smaller tanks to prevent territorial disputes.
  • Aggression: This species may engage in fights with its own kind in confined spaces.

Citron Clown Goby Feeding and Diet

  • Diet: Its diet includes brine shrimp, frozen mysis shrimp, table shrimp, and other frozen carnivore foods.
  • Feeding Habits: In the wild, it feeds on the mucous polyps of Acropora sp.

Reef Safety and Breeding

  • Reef Safety: Although generally reef-safe, it may nip at the polyps or bases of Acropora sp. and other SPS corals.
  • Breeding: The Citron Clown often spawns in aquariums. Exercise caution if the tank contains Acropora sp. or similar SPS corals, as the eggs laid on the coral can cause tissue recession.

General Information

The Citron Clown adds charm and color to reef aquariums with its unique appearance and peaceful nature. It thrives in tanks with mature coral colonies. Ensure you monitor its interactions with Acropora sp. and maintain a well-stocked tank to prevent any damage to these corals.  


Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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