Tessalata Eel

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The Tessalata Eel, also known as the Honeycomb Moray Eel or Leopard Eel has an attractive, light-colored body and especially attractive, dark honeycomb marks. As one of the largest eels, the Tessalata Eel requires a 180 gallon or bigger aquarium that has many crevices in the rock for hiding and a tight, secure lid to prevent its escape. The Tessalata's diet must comprise large parts of live feeder fish like octopus and squid. The Tessalate Eel can reside in an aquarium with a reef however it is likely to eat smaller fish as well as cephlapods. Approximate Size of Purchase Small"6" up to 10" Medium to 18"; Large" up to 18" Large"18" up to 26" Extra Large: more than 26"  
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General information on Tessalata Eel The Tessalata Eel has an attractive, light-colored body with honeycomb-like dark markings. As one of the largest eels that live in aquariums, the Tessalata Eel requires a larger aquarium that has rock crevices for hiding and a tight lid to prevent its escape.  
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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