Sunburst Butterflyfish EXPERT ONLY

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This Sunburst Butterflyfish is a gorgeous stunning, vibrantly colored beauty that is perfect for hobbyists with experience. Butterflyfish enthusiasts will be able to recognize this Sunburst Butterflyfish as an elusive gem. While it is common across its natural range of Australia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea and Papua New Guinea, the Sunburst Butterflyfish is relatively uncommon in the world of aquariums since it is regarded for its higher amount of care needed to thrive in aquariums. This Sunburst Butterflyfish is also known as the Gold-Banded Butterflyfish thanks to the graphic golden-orange vertical bars that cover its eyes and the operculum. It has a deeper, more blue hue on the body and is enclosed by a border of golden yellow coloring. This brightly colored specimen will be a sought-after star for the pleasure of the Fish Only With Live Rock (FOWLR) aquarium keeper.   Keep this Sunburst Butterflyfish in a 70-gallon or larger tank along alongside other peaceful fish and other fish similar to it, in the event that all fish were brought into the tank simultaneously. Like other Butterflyfish, the Sunburst Butterflyfish may require extra "TLC" to adjust to the aquarium at home.   Sometimes, it is thought of as an essential corallivore (live fish eater) The Sunburst Butterflyfish is a carnivore that can be hard to feed particularly at the beginning. To encourage eating, provide live brine shrimp that are vitamin-enriched or clams, as well as the mashed squid and shrimp. When they are eating regularly, provide mysis shrimp as well as frozen carnivore recipes. They should be fed at least three times per day.   Approximate Purchase Size: Small:  2" to 3", Medium: 3" to 4".
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Sunburst Butterflyfish Info The Sunburst butterflyfish are found in deep lagoons, channels as well as seaward coral reefs. They usually live in pairs, and are often found eating soft coral polyps like Litophyton viridis or Sarcophyton Tracheliophorum. They also hunt for algae and consume zooplankton from within the water column. This tough species can be successfully kept in reef aquariums if it is fed well and is kept in a tank that is not surrounded by harmful soft corals which will not be a good fit. Sunburst Butterflyfish is considered one of the strongest butterflies in the butterflyfish family. in larger aquariums, it could be kept with other tranquil butterflyfish as well as individuals of its own species in the event that they are brought in simultaneously. The fish thrives in mature aquariums that have lots of live rock that the fish can browse through and graze on. Like all butterflyfishes, this one needs high-quality water fully purified and well-oxygenated with areas with decent flow. Also, it is available on the market in the form of Blacklip Butterflyfish or Klein's Butterflyfish. Diet Provide a varied diet that includes Mysis brineshrimp with vitamin-rich, Angel & Butterfly mix and very finely chopped krill and clams. as well as some green foods. Feed small amounts several times per day.
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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