Spotband Butterflyfish
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Spotband Butterflyfish, also known as the Dot Dash Butterflyfish, Punctato Butterflyfish as well as the Spot-band Butterflyfish, has a yellow-tan body. As it ages the body becomes more yellow dorsally, with around seven vertical dark stripes along the upper portion of the body. There are the dark spot rows below.
The tank that houses the Spotband Butterflyfish should be 70 gallons or greater, and have many hiding spots, and peaceful tank companions. It shouldn't be kept inside a reef aquarium as it is known to eat the majority of invertebrates, and nibble at corals.
The diet of The Spotband Butterflyfish should consist of minced seafood and algae-based meals.
Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 1-1/2" to 2-1/4"; Medium: 2-1/4" to 3-1/2"; Large: 3-1/2" to 4-1/2"
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General information regarding Spotband Butterflyfish
The Spotband Butterflyfish has a yellow-tan body. As it grows and becomes more yellow in the dorsal area, with around seven dark vertical stripes on the upper part of the body and dark spot rows. The aquarium that houses this species of Spotband Butterflyfish should be kept in a medium or larger tank that has plenty of hiding spots and tank mates who are calm. It is not a good reef fish as it is known to eat the majority of invertebrates.
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in
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