Reefer XXL625 G2+ Deluxe System – Black (incl. 3 X RL 90 & Mount arms)



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The Reefer XXL625 G2+ Deluxe System in Black is an all-in-one aquarium system that comprises three RL 90 lights and mounting arms. It is suitable for bigger reef tanks and provides excellent filtration and circulation. Its sleek black appearance makes it an excellent choice for any area.
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Reefer Red Sea 625 xxl G2+ Deluxe System - Black (incl. 3 X RL 90 & Mount arms)

Red Sea 625 XXL G2+ Deluxe System in Black is an all-in-one aquarium system designed to provide exceptional performance, reliability, and convenience. Featuring three RL 90 LED lights with mounting arms specifically suited for larger reef tanks; adjustable light angles ensure optimal lighting conditions in your aquarium. The Reefer XXL625 G2+ Deluxe System boasts a spacious size that makes it ideal for larger reef tanks. Featuring an advanced sump filtration system and high-quality circulation pumps, this system delivers outstanding filtration and circulation capabilities - including filter sock holders, skimmer chambers, refugium chambers, and return pump chambers within its sump. Furthermore, this system comes equipped with a silent overflow system to ensure the quiet operation of your system. The Reefer XXL625 G2+ Deluxe System was designed with ease of use in mind. Featuring a built-in controller that enables you to monitor lighting, temperature, and water flow within the system; as well as providing ample storage space for aquarium accessories and supplies. Reefer XXL625 G2+ Deluxe System's sleek black design makes it a stylish and convenient centerpiece in any room, adding modernity and aesthetic appeal. The Reefer XXL625 G2+ Deluxe System will add visual interest and add beauty to your home or office environment. Overall, the Reefer XXL625 G2+ Deluxe System in Black is an outstanding aquarium system that delivers outstanding performance, reliability, and convenience for aquarium hobbyists of any skill level. Ideal for creating beautiful reef tanks of healthy corals.
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101-200 Gallons
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