Red Sea Bannerfish

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Make sure you are the very first one to purchase this highly-rated showcase aquarium star! This is the Red Sea Bannerfish is exclusive to the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden towards the south. It is characterized by a long white dorsal slender filament, with an underlying color of white and two black stripes. The caudal and soft dorsal fins are pale yellow and there are black markings on the eye area. The members of the Heniochus genera are usually referred to as Bannerfish rather than Butterflyfish. It is possible that the Red Sea Bannerfish may reside in a 125-gallon or larger tank alongside other calm fish, and others from the same species when all of them are brought into the tank simultaneously. While swimming, the white dorsal filament is swaying like an elongated banner when it is blown in the wind.   Heniochus are mostly plankton-eaters. Food consisting of fresh, frozen, freeze-dried or flake food is widely accepted. In addition, provide a regular vegetable food source and vitamins-boosting supplements.   Approximate Purchase Size: Medium: 2-1/2" to 3-1/2"
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General information on Red Sea Bannerfish The Red Sea Eritrean Butterflyfish is a quite robust butterfly that can do great in a calm aquarium. The body of this fish is elongated white and has many vertical black lines as well as a massive red band that covers the front of the fish. The ideal aquarium for Red Sea Eritrean Butterflyfish should be at least 70 gallons or more and include plenty of live rock that can be used for hiding and for grazing. They are known to be aggressive towards fish with similar body size and shape and also towards the members of their species. They should be kept in a calm aquarium with fish that are not aggressive.
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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