Banded Butterflyfish

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An ideal choice for novices The Banded Butterflyfish is a docile species that is able to get along with reef fish. It is striking in its contrast beauty. It has a long thin, disc-shaped body with a concave forehead and a shorter snout. The coloring of adults and juveniles may be very different. Juveniles are characterized by a large ringed black spot on the lower part of the dorsal Fin, four body bars that are vertical with the overall color of brownish-yellow rather than the white adults use as their base color. A calm fish Banded Butterflyfish are most commonly seen in pairs or alone in shallow water around coral reefs. The most active time is in the daytime, and then sleeping at night, they seek shelter during the night, as they are extremely susceptible to predators of larger size.   The Banded Butterflyfish is a carnivore that feeds on coral inhabitants like tube worms, anemones and corals, and even crustaceans. It is not a recommended reef fish, as they eat the majority of invertebrates. The coarseness of its teeth permits it to scrape away at the invertebrates that comprise its diet. Add to their diet different meaty meals as well as vitamin-enriched or color-enhancing foods. They are also able to remove parasites that are found in other fish.   Approximate Purchase Size: Small 1-1/" to 2" Medium 2" to 3 1/4" Large 3 1/4" to 4 1/2" X Large 4 1/2" to 5 1/2"
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Banded Butterflyfish Information   While the butterflyfish with bands is considerably less colorful than other species of butterflyfish however, its distinctive hue makes it easy to recognize. This species "striatus" portion of the body is a reference to its distinctive characteristic the thick, black vertical stripes. Banded Butterflyfish Diet Banded butterflyfish are diurnal which means they are active throughout the day and spend the majority of their time snoozing about or looking for food. They are classified as benthic, or bottom foragers. they hunt using their eyes. The Banded Butterflyfish is a predator. adults are known to form aggregations of plankton. Although they are predators they also employ a variety of food. It's not unusual for banded butterflyfish to remove parasites from other fish such as grunts, parrotfish, and surgeonfish. Their name "Chaetodontidae" refers to bristle teeth and the butterfly that is banded utilizes bristly-shaped teeth to scrape away these invertebrates.
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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