Harptail Blenny



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The Harptail Blenny is an excellent option for the reef tank. It's a beautiful deep golden yellow with a green shadow over the eye, which runs under the dorsal fin, which is jet black. This Harptail Blenny is a fan of an aquarium at least 30 gallons or more with live rock. The species will eat the many crustaceans that live on the live rock. Harptail Blennies are passive fish never bothering their tankmates. This species has the capacity to pierce the inside of the mouth of predators with its venomous fangs while being it is ingested. The predator then spits the tiny fish out of its mouth, with no damage to the Blenny.   Harptail Blennys should be fed a balanced diet consisting of carnivores food, with a range of food items designed for herbivores. The fish should be fed tiny amounts of food, a few times per day.   Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 1" to 1-3/4"; Medium: 1-3/4" to 2"; Large: 2" to 3"
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Harptail Blenny

The Harptail Blenny is a superb choice for reef tanks due to its vibrant appearance and adaptability. It features a deep golden-yellow body with a green shadow above the eye, and a striking jet-black dorsal fin. This blenny's ability to leap from pool to pool and its fondness for hiding in crevices add to its charm.

Habitat and Tank Requirements

  • Tank Size: Provide a minimum of 30 gallons or larger.
  • Aquascaping: Include live rock to support grazing and hiding behaviors.
  • Behavior: Harptail Blennies are generally passive and rarely disturb other tankmates. They use their venomous fangs defensively if threatened.

Unique Features

  • Dorsal Fin: Distinguished by a single dorsal fin.
  • Body Position: Typically rests on the bottom of the tank with a curved body.
  • Head Structure: Notable for tiny appendages called "cirri" on the head.
  • Diet: Graze on crustaceans found in live rock and need a balanced diet including both carnivorous and herbivorous foods.

Natural Habitat

  • Environment: Found in tidal waters, cool and shallow, as well as coral reef crevices.
  • Leaping Ability: Known for their impressive jumping skills.

LINKS to follow:

Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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