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The Firefish is among the most popular fish species in the marine sport. It is stunningly colored and has a unique design, as well as personality. Also called The Firefish Goby, Fire Goby Magnificent, and Fire Goby. Fire Dartfish, Nemateleotris magnifica has a yellow head with a white front and a posterior that is pinkish-orange-red to orange-red. The dorsal, anterior, and caudal fins are highlighted in black. Alongside its striking coloring, it is also known as it is also a striking fish. Firefish Goby is also heralded as a sweet fish that has a lot of personality. Because of its tiny size, it is a great fish to have around. Firefish Goby makes a great supplement to the reef's smaller system. In the wild, it is common to see large groups that hover over the reefs, collecting planktonic foods that drift by. The gentle saltwater fish is shy and when in nature, has a "bolt-hole" which it swiftly hides in when threatened. In the home aquarium, the Firefish Goby needs multiple safety areas in rocky crags or outcrops that it can swim to if stressed. This species of the Gobiidae family is usually not antagonistic towards other tank mates unless those belonging to its species. But, a mated pair may live happily together. To recreate its natural habitat, the Firefish Goby requires a 20-gallon or greater system that has moderate lighting conditions and a moderate flow that is flowing through the rocks of its reef tank. Be aware that a stressed Firefish is likely to try and jump out of the aquarium. Therefore, keep your Firefish Goby in aquarium systems with lids. Alongside zooplankton and algae that are growing in the aquarium the nutrition for Goby Firefish Goby should consist of brine shrimp that is vitamin-rich (live or frozen) Mysis shrimp and prepared marine food. Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 1" to 1-1/2"; Medium: 1-1/2" to 2"; Large: 2" to 3"
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General information about Firefish The dorsal and anal and caudal fins are highlighted in black. Alongside its stunning coloration, it is also known as a striking fish. Firefish Goby is also heralded as a sweet-tempered fish that has plenty of character. Because of its small size, it is a great fish for small reefs. In the wild it is common to see Firefish Goby in groups, hovering over the reef, capturing planktonic foods that drift through the current. The gentle, friendly Firefish Goby is affluent and in the wild, every one of them has a bolt hole in which it swiftly hides when it feels threatened. In the home aquarium, the Firefish Goby needs multiple safety areas among rocky crags and outcrops that it can swim in if stressed. The member of the Gobiidae family is usually not antagonistic towards other fish unless the species is its own. A mated pair may live happily together. Remember that a stressed Goby may attempt to leap from your aquarium. Therefore, keep your Firefish Goby in aquarium systems with a lid.  
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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