ORA® Captive-Bred Premium Snowflake Clownfish



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This ORA® Captive-Bred Premium Snowflake Clownfish is an incredibly popular variation of Amphiprion Ocellaris, which displays the most impressive number of white marks that appear irregularly across the body. Edges of white coloring tend to be sharp. as the ORA Premium Snowflake Clownfish grows and ages, the edges of the white stripes will change to an attractive baby blue hue that is worthy of its status as a premium. Every ORA Premium Snowflake Clownfish gets a thorough evaluation by a certified grader who is able to judge the amount of white in the fish and the quality of the stripes. As the name suggests there are no two identical! According to ORA the well-known Captive-Bred Clownfish was originally produced by the Tropical Marine Centre (TMC) in the UK in the year 1999. Around 100 species were exported ever to the United States, making the F1 Snowflake Clownfish broodstock direct from TMC extremely rare. ORA has acquired the very first set of F1 Snowflake Clownfish in 2005 and has been working to develop a stronger and more vibrant version of this stunning clownfish since then. It is a great option for any saltwater aquarium enthusiast since captive-bred fish offer distinct benefits over species that are harvested wild. The fish that are captive-bred are tougher and are more accustomed to the conditions in a home saltwater aquarium. The  Snowflake Clownfish is simple to breed in your home aquarium. Females will be more dominant. The fish generally stay close to each other in the aquarium. Clownfish lay eggs and deposit them on flat surfaces and protect eggs from their tank mates. The eggs usually hatch within 8 to 11 days, based on the temperature of the water. The fry need to be raised in separate aquariums with a diet consisting of rotifers and then baby brine shrimp. A diet for this ORA fish comprises almost all meaty food items as well as herbivore recipes. Approximate Purchase Size: 3/4" to 1-1/4"
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ORA® Captive-Bred Premium Snowflake Clownfish Info Snowflake Ocellaris Clownfish is a color variation of the standard Ocellaris Clownfish. Like snowflakes, not one of these distinctive fish looks like the other. The color of the body and the general shape is similar to those of Snowflake Ocellaris Clownfish are similar to the standard Ocellaris Clownfish, but the stripe pattern is quite different. The grading on Snowflake Clownfish is based on the quantity and the shape of white marks. For the standard classification of Snowflake Ocellaris Clownfish, the body stripes are irregular in their edges. All three markings on the body can be distinguished.   Diet The majority of clownfish are omnivorous feeders which means that they consume a variety of kinds of food. The diet of clownfish includes crustaceans (such as amphipods and copepods) and polychaete and algae worms as well as leftovers from eating anemones. The captive-bred fish have been trained to consume a variety of fish foods, including pellets as well as flake foods frozen Mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and other frozen foods.  
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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