Yellowchest Twist Wrasse EXPERT ONLY



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The Yellowchest Twist Wrasse is a wrasse of moderate size with an elegant, long body with anal and dorsal fins that stretch almost all the way around the fish. In their rear is two large deep blue eyespots which help keep the fish safe by causing confusion or disorientation to predators. The stunning yellowchest twist Wrasse is predominantly dark blue to purple with a variety of vibrant brilliant blue dots. The front portion of the bottom of the Yellowchest Worasse is bright gold or yellow in its coloration, which gives it its name. In the wild this Yellowchest Twist Wrasse is a reef-associated species which is found all over in the Indo-Pacific Ocean with populations also located throughout areas such as the Red Sea to the Tuamoto Islands, north up to the Ryukyu Islands, and south up to Rapa. To ensure the best possible treatment, the Yellowchest Twist Wrasse needs to be housed in a well-established aquarium with a well-filtered and clean environment that is minimum 120 gallons size or more. A layer of fine sand substrate with a depth of around 2 inches is vital to the yellowchest Wrasse since it will dig into the sand for sleep or seek refuge when it is feeling threatened. Avoid using crushed coral or any other coarse substrates as the Yellowchest Wrasse has a low survival rate in aquariums with these hard substrates. A good aquarium will include ample live rocks. Make sure you arrange your aquarium's landscaping so that there are plenty of nooks places for your Yellowchest Twist Wrasse for them to investigate, find refuge, or search to find food. As young fish they can be kept in a group but be aware that they can show aggression towards one another when mature. The diet of the Yellowchest Wrasse is comprised of benthic invertebrates. As such a huge hungry Yellowchest Wrasse might eat ornamental invertebrates like shrimp, fan worms, and other crustaceans that are found in the aquarium at home. However, the Yellowchest Wrasse generally does not harm sessile invertebrates, including the soft and stony corals. In the aquarium of the home, its diet for Yellowchest Wrasse must include an array of items like mysis shrimp with vitamin enriched frozen brine shrimp and other meaty meals together with premium marine food items like marine pellets and flakes. Approximate Size of Purchase: 2-1/2" to 3-1/2" We are able to promise that ALL aquarium species we sell will be alive and in good health. However, due to the higher amount of attention required for this specific species, it is classified as "Expert only." This species is suggested only for aquarists who are experts or zoo or research institutions. Expert only aqua life is not covered under our warranty after arrival.
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Information on Yellowchest Twist Wrasse A Yellowchest Twist Wrasse is a species from Fiji is a medium-sized one that is stunningly colored. The body is elongated with a dorsal as well as an the anal fin, which extends nearly all the way around the fish. In the rear fins is a large eyespot of deep blue which helps protect the fish when it is a young. They're mostly dark blue-purple in color with a variety of vibrant colorful blue dots. The front portion that the fish swims in is vibrant yellow or gold in hue, hence its name. The Yellowchest Twist Worst requires 120 gallons or more of an aquarium that has a sandy bottom in which it can rest to sleep, or in the event of a threat. Avoid keeping this Yellowchest Wrasse on a coral that has been crushed or similar substrate because they will have a poor survival rate in these substrates. The ideal aquarium will contain plenty of live rock to hide and forage food. They are able to be kept in groups as young animals, but they could become aggressive towards one another as they grow. They shouldn't be kept in a group with other invertebrates since they may eat fansworms and ornamental crustaceans and tridacnid clams. Yellowchest Twist Wrasse Diet A Yellowchest Twist Wrasse diet should consist of mysis shrimp that are vitamin-enriched and frozen as well as vitamin-rich brine shrimp frozen in brine, and other meaty food items, along with the highest quality sea flake as well as marine pellets.  
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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