Sea Grass Wrasse

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Sea Grass Wrasse sometimes called the Emerald Wrasse is a useful pest control agent with a big personality and stunning beauty. It is often found in shades of pale to deep green, brownish red to even black The Sea Grass Wrasse's blade-like body permits it to blend into the seagrass bed as well as sandy flats of the mangrove channels and lagoons that it lives in. They're also known to move around like free-floating algae to hide them from predators. If you're seeking natural methods to deal with flatworms, pyramid snails montipora-eating nudibranches and more, the gentle Sea Grass Wrasse is the one to choose. It has jaw-crushing teeth as well as the carnivore appetite to accomplish the job. The diet of the Sea Grass Wrasse should also include vitamin-enriched frozen mysis shrimp, vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, as well as other meaty food items. The SeaGrass Wrasse should be kept in a 70-gallon or larger aquarium that has an average of 2-4 inches of sandy bottom where it is able to be submerged since it sleeps on the bottom of the sand. It is possible to keep it with fish that are more aggressive or larger than it actually is, but should be placed in a tank with inactive fish when young. The aquarium must also have an elongated lid to stop the fish from jumping out. Approximate Size of Purchase: Small 1-1/2" to 2"; Medium 2" to 3"; Large 3" to 4-1/2"  
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General information regarding Sea Grass Wrasse Sea Grass Wrasse has proven to be effective in pest control. It is often observed in shades of light and dark greens, brownish red to even black. The Sea Grass Wrasse's blade-like body permits it to fade into seagrass beds as well as sandy algal flats in mangrove channels and lagoons they call home. They're also recognized for their free-floating swims and swaying algae to hide them from predators. If you're in search of an effective method to take care of flatworms, pyramid snails montipora-eating nudibranches, and much more, the mild-mannered Sea Grass Worm has the jaw-crushing teeth as well as the carnivorous appetite to accomplish the job. The Sea Grass Worm should be kept in an aquarium with the bottom of 2-4 inches where it is able to be submerged as it sleeps within the sand. It is possible to keep it in a tank with other fish which are more aggressive or bigger than it is, but it should be kept with passive fish when it is young. Aquariums should also be fitted with an elongated lid to stop them from bursting out.
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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