Ruby Head Fairy Wrasse

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The Ruby Head Fairy Worasse is an adorable fish that will be a stunning fish to add to the aquarium. It is a beautiful Ruby Head Wrasse features blue bodies with orange/red that runs along the dorsal side and a sparkling red face. Colors can vary from other shades of blue and purple based on the mood of the fish. In the event of courtship, males exhibits a greater intensity of color. This Ruby Head fairy wrasse is able to flourish in an aquarium that is fish-only or a reef that is 90 gallons or more. It will require a shaded area free of glowing lights. They are not a nuisance to corals or other invertebrates, which makes them the perfect fish for reef aquariums. They like to jump, and the use of a sturdy canopy is suggested. It is recommended that the Ruby Head diet of the Fairy Wrasse must include mysis shrimp with vitamin enrichment frozen as well as vitamin-enriched brine shrimp frozen in brine, and other meaty meals, along with the highest quality seafood flake, and pellets. Approximate Size of Purchase: Small: 1-1/2" to 2"; Medium: 2" to 3"; Large: 3" to 4"; Extra Large: 4" to 5"  
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General information regarding Ruby Head Fairy Wrasse The Ruby Head Fairy Wrasse a calm fish that will be a stunning fish to add to the aquarium. It is beautiful with an orange body that is blue with red/orange flowing along the dorsal edges and a shining red face. Colors can vary from other shades of blue and purple based on the mood of the fish. If they are courting, males are likely to show a more intense color. This Ruby Head Fairy Wrasse will be a great addition to an aquarium with only fish or a reef. It needs a protected area far from light sources. They are not a nuisance to corals or other invertebrates, which makes them a perfect fish to be kept in the reef aquarium. These wrasses love to leap, and tight fitting canopy is recommended. If you are concerned about jumping, Make sure that your aquarium has a secure canopy or screen cover to stop the Wrasse from leaping into your fish tank. They have been known to jump through the smallest holes in the canopy. Wrasses are more comfortable with 2" (5cm) sandy bed that allows them to sink into the sand for rest or when they feel they're in danger. They're generally calm, however, they can be aggressive towards other species.  
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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