Reaction Aquarium Power Filter – up to 20g



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UPC: 810067700016
Waterfall-style water flow provides greater circulation, and comes with an ability to adjust the flow. It has a dual intake design to ensure superior filtering. The surface skimmer removes of film, particles and sludge that have accumulated on the water surface. It provides streamlined mechanical filtration to your tanks. The three-stage filter blends chemical, biological, and mechanical filtering systems.
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Waterfall Style Circulation

The Reaction Aquarium Power Filter - up to 20g waterfall-style flow helps diffuse CO2 into the aquarium while also promoting healthy oxygen levels. The adjustable water flow rate makes it easy to adapt the Reaction HOB to your aquarium.

Dual Intake Design

The coarse sponge prefilter catches large debris and protects inhabitants. Surface skimmer promotes better water circulation in aquariums while skimming off the oily surface film.

Streamlined Filtration

Medium-density sponges catch large debris from flowing into filter pads that further purify water from particulates. Activated carbon and ceramic rings work to purify water before it is cycled back into the aquarium. The JBJ Reaction Aquarium Power Filter - up to 20g is a slim hang-on-back power filter. With its quick startup, silent operation, and easy maintenance, the Reaction HOB power filter is the perfect choice for filtering your aquarium water. With its three-stage filtration--mechanical, biological, and chemical. This filter will keep your aquarium water clean and healthy for your fish. It features an innovative dual intake system and a flow control valve that allows you to change the flow rate. The self-leveling surface skimmer intake helps rid your tank of sludge and surface film and keeps your aquarium surface free from floating debris. The pre-filter sponge provides protection for smaller fish and also keeps shrimp from being pulled into the filter. Simply hang this filter on the back of your aquarium and let it do its work!  


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1 lbs
7 × 4 × 12 in

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Reaction Aquarium Power Filter - up to 20g
Reaction Aquarium Power Filter - up to 20g
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