General information on Green Canary Blenny
Similar to Meiacanthus oualanensis the stunning Green Canary Blenny (Meiacanthus tongaensis) is characterized by a bright green head and an elongated black stripe that runs along its dorsal fin. Interesting to observe is the ability of it to remain in the water as it swims. It moves through the aquarium's reef between quick darts and abrupt stops that are graceful and stylish. This blenny requires a medium size tank that has live rock to hunt and graze on for its survival. It is recommended to only keep one in each tank unless there is a breeding pair. If a fish is attacked by another the Green Canary Blenny is likely to react by biting on the insides of the mouth of the attacker. This Green Canary Blenny can be considered to be venomous, and should be treated with caution around children who have access to the tank as it can consider fingers to be an attacker and deliver a painful bite. The fishes will only apply their bite if they are consumed by large fish, since they can bite in the middle of the fish's mouth, so they cannot be consumed.
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