Deepwater Candy Basslet

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This basslet, also known as the Deepwater Candy Basslet, is an eye-catching addition to any aquarium at home. It features an extended body with horizontal stripes of lavender and orange and is accentuated by red lines. It is similar to Swissguard or the Swales Basslet, but easily recognized by their vivid colors.   A peaceful, calm reef fish. However, this Deepwater Candy Basslet may pose danger to smaller ornamental crustaceans that fit into their mouths. At least, a 10 gallon tank for a single fish.   A carnivore, the Deepwater Candy Basslet thrives with a diet that is rich in meals like seafood fish, crustacean flesh mysis shrimp, as well as top quality frozen dishes.   Approximate purchase size 1-1/2 or greater
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Candy Basslet Information The Candy Basslet (Liopropoma carmabi) is a rare deepwater basslet which brings exhilarating colors to every saltwater tank. The fish is featured on numerous "holy the grail" lists within the world of aquariums. This particular Basslet is found in depths that range between 80 and 250 feet beneath the water surface. The Candy Basslet has been described as being among the most stunning fish that you could keep in tanks and it is difficult to photograph because of its bright shades. It is a beautiful fish. Candy Basslet has an orange background that is adorned with vivid red and purple lines that run along the length of its body. The Basslet also features a dark blue on its dorsal and caudal fins. L. carmabi is said to be among the most beautiful fish that can be kept in aquariums as they appear to glow when exposed to the proper lighting. The Candy Basslet has brilliant colors however, it has a tiny body that has a maximum dimension of 2.5". The solitary nature of the fish implies that it needs a smaller reef aquarium, such as 30 gallon tanks. Our team recommends an aquarium that is small enough so that you are in a position to appreciate the beautiful colors of the Candy Basslet. The diet of the Candy Basslet is a meaty frozen food items, like mysis or brine. The smaller pieces at the beginning will tempt the fish to take a bite. L. carmabi is a species of fish that is from deep waters, therefore it could be a reclusive fish in the beginning when it first enters the aquarium.
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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