Chalk Bass

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The Chalk Bass located in the Caribbean is among the bass that is smaller in its family and is an excellent fish for novices. The body is an orange hue, and has a purple-colored mid-section. Blue vertical bands in electric blue that add to their appeal and highlight the fish. A 30 gallon tank, which has ample live rocks to use for to hide, is perfect to house the Chalk bass. They aren't aggressive toward other fish and several species can be added to the aquarium as they are in the same aquarium. They are not averse to corals or sessile invertebrates and are great fish to keep in the aquarium that is reef-based. The larger specimens can attack smaller shrimps, specifically those in the Periclimenes family.   A very hardy fish, this aquarium fish needs food that is comprised of a wide variety of meaty chopped food as well as vitamin-rich brine, mysis shrimp and flake foods.   Approximate purchase size: Small 1" to 2" Medium 2" to 3"
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General information about Chalk Bass The Chalk Bass that is found in the Caribbean is smaller bass species in this family. It is a great addition for novices. The body is an orange hue with a purple-colored midsection. Blue vertical bands that are electric is a part of their appeal. A minimum tank size of 30 gallons, which has ample live rocks to use for hiding, is the ideal one for Chalk bass. They do not have a restraining factor towards other fish and several species can be added to the aquarium. They are not averse to corals or sessile worms and are excellent fish for a saltwater tank with a reef. Larger specimens could attack small shrimps, particularly those belonging to the Periclimenes Genus.
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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