Black Cap Basslet

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The Black Cap Basslet is a deep-water species that is found in the Caribbean. Its stunning purple body and jet black diagonal cap makes it an impressive feature in any fish tank. An ideal option for a reef aquarium this Black Cap Basslet can be extremely dangerous to smaller invertebrates like Copepods, Isopods, or Amphipods. Make sure you have at least a 30 gallon tank, with caves that they can find a place to hide within. Black Cap Basslets can become territorial after they have established themselves, therefore they shouldn't be kept in a tank with other basslets. Since they are deep-water dwellers they will do better in an aquarium that has moderate to dim lighting.   Black Cap Basslets thrive with a balanced diet of meaty foods, including marine fish and mysis shrimp, crustacean flesh, and other quality frozen dishes.   Approximate Size of Purchase Small 1" to 2" Medium 2" or 3" Large: 3" up to 4"
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General information regarding Black Cap Basslet The Black Cap Basslet is a deep-water species that is found in the Caribbean. Its stunning purple body and jet black diagonal cap make it an impressive feature to any aquarium. A great choice to use in a reef aquarium, The Blackcap Basslet can be apprehensive for only the tiniest invertebrates like Copepods, Isopods, or Amphipods. Set up a tank with rocks and caves for them to have a place to hide within. Black Cap Basslets can become territorial once they are established, and they shouldn't be tank mates with other basslets. Since they are deep-water dwellers, they perform best in aquariums with light that is a little to dim.
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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