Ambon Damselfish, Captive-Bred
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The Ambon Damselfish can be described as a darting fish that is predominantly yellow, with noticeable pink coloring throughout. There are also black markings. These include spots on the upper part of the operculum as well as one on the pectoral fin's bottom. Young fish have an ocellus or eye spot, on the dorsal side of the fin, which fades as the animal develops.
The Ambon Damselfish is typically found in the waters off the coast of north-western Australia up towards the coast in central New South Wales and in the Indo-Pacific.
Ambon Damselfish can be described as a robust fish for novices. It is also an excellent option for reef aquariums with invertebrates. As with other Damselfish species, the Ambon Damselfish has a somewhat aggressive nature and thrives best when placed in an environment that is large enough to handle multiple species.
A saltwater tank that is over 30 gallons that is aquascaped with live rock is a perfect habitat. Be aware that as the marine fish grows and matures, it could exhibit an increased territorial behavior towards any future additions to the saltwater aquarium. If you are keeping the Ambon Damselfish together with other damselfish species, make sure you provide plenty of hiding spots to divide territories and reduce aggression.
Diet of Ambon Damselfish must comprise of frozen and flaked food items, as well as herbivore-based preparations.
Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 1/2" to 1"; Medium:1" to 1-1/2"
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Ambon Damselfish, Captive-Bred Information
It is a pale to yellow damselfish that has large and dark scale margins. Juveniles possess an ocellus or false eye spot located on the back part of their dorsal fin.
Recent research has demonstrated that, if they are always under threat from predators, damselfishes of small size can develop an additional false eye spot and, more astonishingly, shrink their actual eyes. They can also detect the facial patterns of the UV of an individual Ambon Damselfish.
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in
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