Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse



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A Red Head Solon Worasse is sometimes referred to as Tricolor Fairy Wrasse Redheaded Fairy Wrasse, the Fairy Wrasse with red eyes. Many aquarists consider it to be a different shade from the Blueside Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura). A Red Head Solon Wrasse features blue bodies with vibrant red running along the dorsal side and a bright yellow-orange-colored face. The color may be different from other shades of blue and purple based on the mood of the fish. In the event of courtship, males exhibit a greater intensity of color. The Solon Fairy Head Red Head is a great choice for an aquarium that is fish-only or a reef that is 90 gallons or more. It requires a shaded space free of glowing lights. They won't bother corals or invertebrates making them a perfect fish to be kept in the reef aquarium. These wrasses love to jump, and the use of a sturdy canopy is advised. A Red Head Solon's Fairy Wrasse's diet must include mysis shrimp with vitamin enrichment frozen as well as vitamin-rich brine shrimp frozen in brine, and other meaty items in addition to the highest quality seafood flake, and pellet food. Approximate Size of Purchase: Small: 1-1/2" to 2' Medium: 2" to 3" Large: 3" to 4"  
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General information regarding Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse A Red Head Solon Worasse (Cirrhilabrus solorensis) aquarists think it's another form of color that is part of Blueside Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura). It is a Red Head Solon fairy Wrasse features blue bodies with bright red running across the dorsal side and a sparkling yellow-orange face. The colors may differ from other colors of purple and blue depending on the mood of the fish. In the event of courtship, males exhibits a greater intensity of color. The Solon Fairy Red Head Wrasse can be found in an aquarium with only fish or reef. It requires a shaded area far from light sources. They are not a nuisance to corals or other invertebrates, which makes them a perfect fish to be kept in the reef aquarium. They are known to leap, and they require a sturdy canopy.
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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