Spiny Box Puffer EXPERT ONLY



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The Spiny Box Puffer is also often referred to as the Web Burrfish. It has a tan-to-yellow body, with dark spots and small fixed spines that help keep it safe from bigger predatory fish. Its teeth actually form the result of a fused beak-like structure. A 180-gallon or bigger aquarium is sufficient, provided that it's a tank that is exclusively for fish with ample room to swim in. It has been known to nibble at slow-moving and long-finned fish. However, it is not aggressive with other fish within its own family. It is known to eat invertebrates within a reef aquarium. The spiny box puffer requires an extensive diet of meaty food items, including the clams, squid, and krill as well as hard-shelled shrimp, to aid in the wear and tear of their expanding teeth. Approximate Size of Purchase: Tiny: 1/2" to 1-1/2"; Small: 1-1/2" to 2"; Small/Medium: 2" to 3"; Medium: 3" to 4"; Medium/Large: 4" to 5"; Large: 5" to 6" Xlarge: 6" to 7"  
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General information on Spiny Box Puffer Spiny Box Puffer is characterized by a tan to yellow body with dark spots. It also has shorter, fixed spines that can protect it from bigger and more aggressive fish. The teeth are actually a fusion-like beak structure. An aquarium that is large is ideal in the event that it is a fish only tank with plenty of space for swimming. It has been known to nibble at slow-moving fish as well as long-finned fish. However, it is not as aggressive with other members of their own group. It will consume invertebrates inside a reef tank.  
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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