Yellow Candy Hogfish



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The Yellow Candy Hogfish is also known as the Twospot Slender Hogfish, or Yellow Hogfish. It's a bright yellow color, with a few red horizontal stripes, and a black spot that is located behind the eye, and in close proximity to the tail. A 30 gallon or larger tank with hiding spots is recommended. It is a peaceful fish that quickly adjusts to the majority of aquariums. In the event that you have more than one Candy Hogfish that is going to be added to the tank, it's essential to add them at the same time as they can be slightly territorial between them. If they are mature and fully grown, the Candy Hogfish may take a preference to smaller, decorative shrimp that are introduced once the hogfish has been established in the aquarium reef. A diet that is comprised of meaty food items, including vitamin-rich brine shrimp, also known as mysis shrimp is preferred and high quality marine flake. Approximate Purchase Size: Small 1-1/2" to 2", Medium 2" to 3", Large 3" to 4"
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Yellow Candy Hogfish Information The Twospot Slender Hogfish or Yellow Candy Hogfish (Bodianus Bimaculatus) is a species of wrasse found in the Indo-Pacific from Madagascar up to New Caledonia and from Japan from Japan to New Zealand. Its name refers to the Twospot Slender Hogfish or Yellow Candy Hogfish is bright yellow color, with subtle red horizontal stripes the black spot in the back of the eye, and in close proximity to the tail. The hogfish can be as long as 3.9 inches. of 3.9 inches in total length. The Twospot Slender Hogfish or Yellow Candy Hogfish species prefers reefs with substrates made of sand or rubble. It is recommended to have a 30 gallon or bigger aquarium with hiding areas is recommended. It is a tranquil fish that is able to adapt quickly to almost all aquariums. Its diet is comprised of meaty food items, such as brine shrimp that are vitamin-enriched or mysis shrimp are the most popular and is an excellent fish flake meal.  
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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