Orangemarked Goby



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The Orangemarked Goby originates from the rubble areas of Indonesia it is called the Orange-Lined Goby. They are a sand-sifting species that constantly take mouthfuls of sand as their hunt for food. They sport a long body, with bright orange markings along the face, which fade to an orange coloration that extends across the body. The horizontal lines connect by vertical lines that run across the body, creating the appearance of a checkerboard. Orangemarked Gobies are generally peaceful fish that can assist in keeping your sand bed fresh and tidy. It should be kept in a 20 gallon or greater aquarium with plenty of live rock as well as a substrate of small to medium-sized sand. A tight fitting canopy is essential to stop it from escaping. It's not likely to be aggressive with other fish, but it is territorial and may be a fierce competitor with its own species in the event of a mating pair. It feeds on a variety of small crustaceans brine shrimp that are vitamin-rich (live as well as frozen) Mysis shrimp, prepared foods for herbivores as well as a high-quality flake, and pellet diet. Estimated Purchase Size: 1-1/2" to 3"
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General information about the Orangemarked Goby The Orangemarked Goby originates from the rubble zones of the Solomon Islands. They are a sand-sifting species that constantly make mouthfuls of sand as part of their hunt for food. They sport a long body that has bright orange markings along the face. They fade into an orange coloration that extends across the body. The horizontal lines are connected by vertical lines that run across the body to give it the appearance of a checkerboard. They are generally peaceful fish that aid in keeping your sand bed fresh and tidy. It is best to keep it in an aquarium that is well-established with lots of live rock and a substrate made of fine to moderately-sized sand. A well-constructed canopy is essential to stop it from jumping out of the aquarium. It's not likely to be aggressive toward other fish, but it is territorial and fights with its own kind unless they're mated.
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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