Steinitz Goby



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The Steinitz Goby, also known as the Steinitz's Prawn is found in the rubble zones of coral reefs in the Indian Ocean. Similar to other watchman gobies they have an elongated body with big eyes. They're white, with a vertical band of brown. The entire body is covered in tiny blue spots which intensify according to mood. The gobies could be in a symbiotic connection with the pistol shrimp. It is best kept in a 10 gallon or larger aquarium that has a sandy bottom to build burrows. It is more comfortable with peaceable tank mates and lots of hiding spots. Smaller groups or pairs are likely to thrive in an aquarium, however, they must be introduced to the tank at the same time. It is highly resistant to disease. Steinitz Goby has been known to reproduce successfully in aquariums. The diet should comprise of various freshly caught or frozen fish, brine shrimp as well as mysis shrimp. They should be fed two times per day. Approximate Purchase Size: 1-1/2" to 2-1/2"
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Steinitz Goby Information The Steinitz Prawn Goby has a white body, with vertical brown bands along its body. You will see iridescent blue spots on the body, depending on the mood. The eyes are elongated. They are very tough and tranquil fish. They share a symbiotic relationship and the pistol shrimp, which use the same burrow. They require a sandy substrate with loose rocks to shelter. Limit one tank per animal in the event of a mating pair.   Steinitz Goby Diet The diet of the fish should comprise various brine shrimp, both frozen and live mysis shrimp, live worms, and prepared food items for carnivores.  
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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